Thursday, October 18 Takara raised her hand that she was not sure of her salvation. She did not come back to talk with a counsellor. I tried to talk with her after the service to see if she would want to get some counsel, but the conversation did not seem to go anywhere. We continued to pray for the Lord to continue to work in her heart.
Friday at lunch Glenn told me that a couple of girls had been seen telling Takara that she should get saved. He asked me to try to find the girls and see if I could talk to Takara. I did find the girls. Takara was crying because she was under such conviction about needing to get saved, but yet she didn’t think she could. I was able to talk with her for a while and make sure she understood salvation. She understood, but wanted to wait to get saved until later. I encouraged her to get it settled as soon as possible before Satan would deceive her that she did not need to be saved or that she could not get saved. I asked her to make the decision at some point that day and that I would ask her at the evening games. She agreed.
At the games she told me with a smile on her face that she had made the decision! She even gave a testimony at the fireside service! Praise the Lord!!