Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Florida & North Carolina

March 10-15
Deltona, FL

Counseling even in the hallway!!
The 1st night of the WAR only 2 girls responded to the invitation. While others counseled those girls, I went outside to talk with the teens before they left for the evening. There was 1 girl that decided to just sit inside the WAR room and wait for her brother and friend to be ready to go. After a while I noticed she was still inside just sitting by herself. Her brother and friend were being counseled! After talking with her for just a little bit, it came right to her eternal security. I explained what the guys were talking about in the hallway and she started tearing up and said, “I should have gone back!” Just at that moment the guys came around the corner glowing!! She decided not to wait a minute - she prayed right there in the WAR room for salvation!! Still crying she hugged me and said she was SO thankful that she had made the decision to be saved that night! Isn’t the Lord gracious?!

Minutemen bought an Excursion! The big white van has just been on its last...tire?? It has been through a lot. Dr. Jim has been looking for a vehicle to take its place for a few months. Now we are driving around in the blue Excursion. So, our memories in the white van are over. Tim & Christy Roberts have joined up with us these 2 weeks and they are going to drive the van back to WI and then we’ll see if there is any more ministry left for the white van. 

March 17-22
Greenville, NC

This week was a surprisingly cold week!! It was about 40 degrees for the WAR nights, but yet the Lord still drew the teens!! We still held all the activities outdoors and even the Friday night testimony service was outside...with no campfire!!! There were more than 120 teens that came and 42 were saved!! Praise the Lord for His working in hearts!!

Tim, Paul, & Nathan