Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fredericksburg, VA

A group of teens wanting to hear about the WAR!

The youth director had agreed to dye his hair pink if more than 100 teens came the first night. The first night there were more than 130 teens!...he dyed his hair pink. :)

Friday morning teen prayer service went longer than scheduled. Dr. Jim started to close in prayer twice, but the teens begged to keep praying!! One teen even stood up after Dr. Jim had closed in prayer and in tears said, “Please! Please! I need to pray!” and he did! Counseling went on for 2 hours after that. More prayer meetings broke out amongst the teens. There was much going on in the school that day! Praise the Lord!!

A few other youth groups joined us for the final night. There were more than 240 teens in attendence! The testimony service was great! One girl had gotten saved earlier in the week and was continuing to grow in her new relationship with Christ. She brought a book to burn that had contained all the things she had said about other people, the bad thoughts she had, and other hateful things she had said and done to others in her life. She was done with it!! Praise the Lord!! Another girl brought some clothes to burn. Just as the prayer meeting had gone earlier that day, this testimony service went long. It was quite a day of tears! :) Teens were still texting leaders later that night that they were talking with their parents and getting things right! What a great week!!

Please pray for all these teens to continue to depend on Christ for the strength to have victory in their day-to-day lives. No one can do it in their own strength.

Big Ball Bowling