Tuesday, October 30, 2012

What the Lord has done so far in our team

 This last week we stayed at a camp since we did not have any meetings scheduled. We as a team were able to spend some extra time reflecting on what the Lord has done so far. Here is a conglomeration of ideas that we all shared.
I need to have God-dependence, not self-dependence.
It is so easy to say after so many weeks that, “I have been through this before” or “I know what to do about this.” However, that is depending on me, not God. It is a constant struggle, but I know that...
Sunrise on Lake Waccamaw
God’s got to do it.
If I try to do the work, it doesn’t work or it is not as good as it could have been. I can go out in my own strength and not accomplish anything. This also can bring discouragement. I need to constantly be reminded that...
I can’t; God can.
There is no reason for anyone to listen to me or for them to be drawn into the WAR. It is humanly not reasonable. God is the One Who draws them in and works in their hearts. We want God to do the work because He is the only One who can change a life.
God reaches the most unlikely teens.
It is so encouraging and amazing when the ones that would seem to be the hardest to spiritual things come and want to get things right. It is just a reminder that God can break through.
Devotions on the pier
It’s been exciting to see God break through tough situations.
When talking to the tough teens, God gives the words and you’re not even really sure where that all came from.
It’s so amazing to be a spectator to God’s work; it’s not human.
It’s like you have an out-of-body experience and you are just watching God do the work.
They both made it to the top!
It’s neat to know that God can use us...and that He does use us.
We are human beings and sinners just like them, but God allows us to be a vessel, a channel, to see teens’ lives changed. What a privilege!

God brings trials to be a help in the future.

The hard things I have gone through or am going through can be used to better understand and relate to others who are going through similar issues. It helps me to be more compassionate and to have a feeling of where they have been and where God can take them. I praise the Lord for the experience.
The Lord has increased my faith.
When the recruits don’t all come or decisions are few, it brings me to my knees and challenges my faith. I know that God wants to work mightily.
Catching lizards :P
Prayer is the real work. My prayer life has been so enhanced. 
When we don’t pray, there is no power. It is so important to pray!
God convicted me not to pass any recruits. 
Every teen is a possibility for God to do a work. It is my small faith that tells me that they are too young or too old or that they won’t want to listen. You never know what God is going to do and where that young person is in their life. They probably have great spiritual needs. Don’t pass up a single person that God has brought across your path.
The unique opportunities to talk about the Gospel throughout the tour have been exciting.
When we are out and about, like the time at our Mexican Restaurant, we draw some attention with our team shirts or simply because we are a big group. People ask what we are doing or where we are from. There have been so many opportunities to pass out tracts and explain what we are doing.

Dr. Jim and Mrs. Van ;)

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Berryville, VA

Thursday, October 18 Takara raised her hand that she was not sure of her salvation. She did not come back to talk with a counsellor. I tried to talk with her after the service to see if she would want to get some counsel, but the conversation did not seem to go anywhere. We continued to pray for the Lord to continue to work in her heart.
Friday at lunch Glenn told me that a couple of girls had been seen telling Takara that she should get saved. He asked me to try to find the girls and see if I could talk to Takara. I did find the girls. Takara was crying because she was under such conviction about needing to get saved, but yet she didn’t think she could. I was able to talk with her for a while and make sure she understood salvation. She understood, but wanted to wait to get saved until later. I encouraged her to get it settled as soon as possible before Satan would deceive her that she did not need to be saved or that she could not get saved. I asked her to make the decision at some point that day and that I would ask her at the evening games. She agreed.
At the games she told me with a smile on her face that she had made the decision! She even gave a testimony at the fireside service! Praise the Lord!!

Takara: God saved me this week and I thought I was saved before, but something just didn’t feel right in my heart and his messages kind of woke me up and God stepped on my doorstep and He said, “Hey, he’s talking about you.” And it just really woke me up and I knew that God wanted me to be saved and so I got saved and I’m glad.

Text from Takara: Thank u all so much for your ministries! Your messages woke me up to realize I really wasn’t saved and I was going to hell. The Lord has worked in the hearts of many in keystone and i promise to help the ones that are lost in our school. Tell Jessica I said thank you because if she hadn’t talked with me I probably still wouldn’t be saved. Tears if joy are running down my face now because I know The Lord is with me and working in my heart. Tell all of the minute men I said thank you and I will be praying for you all to continue the success!

6 other teens were saved during this week!

Monday, October 15, 2012

Morgantown, VA

Well, to be very honest, Friday was the highlight of my week! Friday was my birthday!! Everyone did a wonderful job making me feel special!! My parents had already sent my gift and a card the week before. On Friday morning, I walked into our classroom to be surprised by the girls throwing confetti at me and yelling “Happy Birthday!!!” followed by them singing their special birthday song (followed by yet more confetti throwing!)! They had decorated the room earlier that morning with streamers and balloons! They even had specially decorated where my desk was with more streamers, balloons, cards, and presents! It was so sweet of them! They really did a GREAT job!!!

Throughout the morning I received many birthday texts from friends all across the USA! THANK YOU!!!!!

At lunchtime, the team pulled out a carrot raisin cake and sang to me again! Janna had put it in the oven early in the morning so that it could be all frosted and decorated!

For supper we went to the assistant pastor’s house like we had enjoyed every evening of the week. At the end of the delicious meal, Missy pulled out a brownie-cookie-pie with candles on it and they all sang to me and gave me a card and a present!!!

Before going to the WAR, I was able to Skype my mom and my little nephew. It still makes me laugh when I think of him singing Happy Birthday to me!!

I really cannot get over how thoughtful everyone was!!! Many thanks to all of you who helped to make my birthday special!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

Fredericksburg, VA

A group of teens wanting to hear about the WAR!

The youth director had agreed to dye his hair pink if more than 100 teens came the first night. The first night there were more than 130 teens!...he dyed his hair pink. :)

Friday morning teen prayer service went longer than scheduled. Dr. Jim started to close in prayer twice, but the teens begged to keep praying!! One teen even stood up after Dr. Jim had closed in prayer and in tears said, “Please! Please! I need to pray!” and he did! Counseling went on for 2 hours after that. More prayer meetings broke out amongst the teens. There was much going on in the school that day! Praise the Lord!!

A few other youth groups joined us for the final night. There were more than 240 teens in attendence! The testimony service was great! One girl had gotten saved earlier in the week and was continuing to grow in her new relationship with Christ. She brought a book to burn that had contained all the things she had said about other people, the bad thoughts she had, and other hateful things she had said and done to others in her life. She was done with it!! Praise the Lord!! Another girl brought some clothes to burn. Just as the prayer meeting had gone earlier that day, this testimony service went long. It was quite a day of tears! :) Teens were still texting leaders later that night that they were talking with their parents and getting things right! What a great week!!

Please pray for all these teens to continue to depend on Christ for the strength to have victory in their day-to-day lives. No one can do it in their own strength.

Big Ball Bowling

Stanardsville, VA

I would just like to share some random things that happened to us back at Stanardsville a couple of weeks ago. :)

Squeaks the mouse :)

First of all, the girls caught a little mouse! We all thought he was so cute and thought maybe we could take care of him and keep him as a pet. We named him Squeaks. However, I guess he needed some more care than we could give him (i.e. bread crumbs, grass, and water)...and Mrs. Van thought that he would not be the right pet for us :) ...so...we let him go back into the forest.

The last night of our competition at this school was on Thursday night. It started to rain just as we were to begin registration. We moved everything into the gym. The storm seemed to be passing, so we the girls were sent out to scout for any lightening in the area. The storm was really not coming our way and we enjoyed standing outside keeping watch. Because the rain had cleared the atmosphere, the moon was easy to spot...and we took a picture (Have you ever attempted to eat the moon??)!

Janna is about to eat the moon!

Well, the teens came back out to play Spoke Tackle in the now muddy grass! This really adds to the game!! :) As soon as everyone was situated and began playing, the electricity went out!!! The cars that were around all turned on their lights and shined them onto the field for the teens to be able to see. It was quite a night!

Since we were not scheduled to hold a teen activity on Friday night, we made the most of our extra time! The Van Gelderens took their trailer on to the next church in Fredericksburg, but Stephanie came with the rest of us to Washington, D.C.!!
White House
Washington Monument and Capitol Building

at the Lincoln Memorial
Air Force Memorial